In my little world of "blog-not-sure-how-it-goes" the computer gods from the never-never land decided that I needed a google account and, of course, that taxed my little pea-sized memory chip. Enters my daughter, she made it all better so I am now back to the blogger world!!! She does these things on a whim and always surprises me with how thoughtful she is. As busy as she is right now (2 year old controlling her world) she still finds the time to do nice things for me. But that has always been her-no matter if she lived 1/2, 3/4 of the country away or way over in Japan she was always there. We just won't discuss my long distance bills (thank the stars for Skype and now Altell-my circle). Anyhoo just my simple way of saying thank you and telling the world how very nice my daughter is.
The sun is shinning--not an easy thing in Michigan. In January we had 20% of available sun and in December we had 8% (that was NOT a typo !!!) So with sun and the temp in the very high 40's (have to take my "happy" where I find it) going to stop playing with my 'puter and clean house and open windows and air out the house. That should work for about 4 1/2 mins. until I get cold--my world, I live in it!!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
What--Snow !!

Well, it's a good winter white morning. OK, it's Michigan and snowing so the best part of this is that I can sit back and do some more x-stitching. OH, I know that I could clean house, do laundry and start that spring cleaning issue thing in my kitchen cupboards but----it's snowing and cold outside so can't work. Listen-my story - going to stick to it.
In one of my idea-flashes (gotta stop drinking first thing in the morning) I decided to make myself a "holiday tree". I found the most darling dowel tree and decided to make a set of Halloween ornaments. Sounded good...than said to me....can't do one for yourself without doing one for the daughter-person and the granddaughter (didn't even factor in the grand-pup). So ordered two dowel trees. Off of the Halloween ornaments done, started (and finished) the thanksgiving and x-mas ornaments. Very busy patting me on the back when I went into a store (this in December!!!) and saw the valentine's going up--OK that was not going to happen this year BUT I now have the Easter ones done. Have to make them into hangers and ship them to daughter and little-bit. The daughter-person has come up with ALL sorts of ideas for holidays. I can live with valentine day, birthday, even a "summer-fall-spring" thing but she is making up holidays as she goes along (of course, to her credit she does say "no real pressure, MOM--when will you be mailing them" ) :)
Had planned to put the pics at the end of this but since I figured this out all by MYSELF without a call to the daughter (ok-so it's 4am in her world -she should be awake when I need her) this is as good as it "gits"
Off to stitch----
So thought I would share my "trees" with you. They were a joy to make and my "idea-flash" is to add a few each year so that as little-bit gets older she can pick out the ones to display on the tree each holiday. NOW--if there is justice in the world--SHE will want them all on the tree and the daughter-person can try to deal with THAT. That accorn/falling thing. tehe tehe.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
After New Years Day !!!
It's over---the tree is down, the house is back in order, the holidays are over !!! I always enjoy
putting the tree up and like to see it when it is on but 3 1/2 minutes after xmas I want my house back in it's usual shape. The outside lights are mostly down. The husband-person loves to put up outside lights and as long as I don't have to go outside in the freezing cold to help--I can say knock-your-socks-off.
Along with x-counting my next love is reading. I am a mystery reader, would not occur to me to pick up a romantic novel. One of my fav's is Janet Evanovich for lighter-type reading. I also use books on tape to walk (doesn't make exercising any easier just gives me a reason to make me do it). So, ran out of books on tape, forgot to order any from my wonderful library which forced me to go into the depths of the library and actually look for a book on tape. Found a stand alone Janet Evanovick book "Wife of Hire". Would never have picked it up because it is a romance but---I was desperate. This it a funny book, laughing out loud in the basement familyroom while all by yourself is cause to send in the little men in white with the large butterfly net. Still a good-time type of read. Now, picture this sixty-something Grand-Bag walking away on her treadmill (arms a flapping-heart rate up, etc) starting to laugh so hard she almost flys off the back of her treadmill------NOT a pretty sight. But better than if I was walking outside and started laughing-----they would have sent LARGE butterfly nets.
Was busy telling "me" that I was done with xmas, got everything done that have to be done and ran into a store to get a few things before New Years Day (it's that *&^ cooking thing again) and they were putting up valentine things !!! We need a few days to say " HEY, WE MANAGE XMAS AND SURVIVED !!!
It's Michigan: had 20 inches of snow-it's gone--it's back--gone again and now we are have freezing rain and the snow will be falling on top of that in a few hours. The good part of retirement it that I don't have to leave the house. OK--the husband-person doesn't either but the important thing it that I don't have to.
Have a good-warm day Grand-Bag
putting the tree up and like to see it when it is on but 3 1/2 minutes after xmas I want my house back in it's usual shape. The outside lights are mostly down. The husband-person loves to put up outside lights and as long as I don't have to go outside in the freezing cold to help--I can say knock-your-socks-off.
Along with x-counting my next love is reading. I am a mystery reader, would not occur to me to pick up a romantic novel. One of my fav's is Janet Evanovich for lighter-type reading. I also use books on tape to walk (doesn't make exercising any easier just gives me a reason to make me do it). So, ran out of books on tape, forgot to order any from my wonderful library which forced me to go into the depths of the library and actually look for a book on tape. Found a stand alone Janet Evanovick book "Wife of Hire". Would never have picked it up because it is a romance but---I was desperate. This it a funny book, laughing out loud in the basement familyroom while all by yourself is cause to send in the little men in white with the large butterfly net. Still a good-time type of read. Now, picture this sixty-something Grand-Bag walking away on her treadmill (arms a flapping-heart rate up, etc) starting to laugh so hard she almost flys off the back of her treadmill------NOT a pretty sight. But better than if I was walking outside and started laughing-----they would have sent LARGE butterfly nets.
Was busy telling "me" that I was done with xmas, got everything done that have to be done and ran into a store to get a few things before New Years Day (it's that *&^ cooking thing again) and they were putting up valentine things !!! We need a few days to say " HEY, WE MANAGE XMAS AND SURVIVED !!!
It's Michigan: had 20 inches of snow-it's gone--it's back--gone again and now we are have freezing rain and the snow will be falling on top of that in a few hours. The good part of retirement it that I don't have to leave the house. OK--the husband-person doesn't either but the important thing it that I don't have to.
Have a good-warm day Grand-Bag
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